Monday, September 10, 2007
You and The Police
PLEASE TAKE NOTE OF THIS ADVICE. You may be arrested for simply being in the wrong
place at the wrong time. The basic rule
is to simply listen to the officer and do as your told, "Put Your
Hands Behind Your Back" and do NOT do any of these Ten Things:
The police want to talk to me. Should I talk to them?
Missouri Criminal
Defense Lawyer by Randy England, Jefferson City,Missouri
Most of us want to talk. Some of us mistakenly
think we have nothing to hide. Others think they
are so smart they can talk their way out of
trouble. Nine times out of ten, they are wrong.
An earlier
post covered the requirement for police to read a
person in custody their Miranda warnings before
questioning them. Often–out of an abundance of
caution–the police will read those warnings even when they do not have to.
Most law enforcement officers carry the card
shown below in their pocket and read directly
from it. If this happens to you, YOU SHOULD
LISTEN: This may be the best advice a police officer will ever give you .
Notice the question at the very end of the warning card.
* It says: "Do you wish to talk to us now?"
* The answer to that question should be: "No,
I want to talk to a lawyer ."
This perfectly OK. See WARNING NUMBER 1, above.
PLEASE TAKE NOTE OF THIS ADVICE. You may be arrested for simply being in the wrong
place at the wrong time. The basic rule
is to simply listen to the officer and do as your told, "Put Your
Hands Behind Your Back" and do NOT do any of these Ten Things:
The police want to talk to me. Should I talk to them?
Missouri Criminal
Defense Lawyer by Randy England, Jefferson City,Missouri
Most of us want to talk. Some of us mistakenly
think we have nothing to hide. Others think they
are so smart they can talk their way out of
trouble. Nine times out of ten, they are wrong.
An earlier
post covered the requirement for police to read a
person in custody their Miranda warnings before
questioning them. Often–out of an abundance of
caution–the police will read those warnings even when they do not have to.
Most law enforcement officers carry the card
shown below in their pocket and read directly
from it. If this happens to you, YOU SHOULD
LISTEN: This may be the best advice a police officer will ever give you .
Notice the question at the very end of the warning card.
* It says: "Do you wish to talk to us now?"
* The answer to that question should be: "No,
I want to talk to a lawyer ."
This perfectly OK. See WARNING NUMBER 1, above.